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Interactive Sessions for Social Entrepreneurs Series Run in Partnership with Universities and Innovation Hub

One-off workshops attended by Venture Members form parts of series that United runs in partnership with universities, innovation hubs, and other entrepreneurial spaces.

There are workshops in Kampala every week. But with 30+ workshops within our curriculum there’s a huge amount of variety for entrepreneurs.

Series are centered around one of two halves of our curriculum:

Interactive Sessions for Social Entrepreneurs Series Run in Partnership with Universities and Innovation Hub

One-off workshops attended by Venture Members form parts of series that United runs in partnership with universities, innovation hubs, and other entrepreneurial spaces.

There are workshops in Kampala every week. But with 30+ workshops within our curriculum there’s a huge amount of variety for entrepreneurs.

Series are centered around one of two halves of our curriculum:

Design a Venture A Series of Workshops & Coaching to Found a New Venture

Up to 80 hours of workshops to help participants channel their energy into co-founding an innovative new social start-up.

Design a Venture A Series of Workshops & Coaching to Found a New Venture

Up to 80 hours of workshops to help participants channel their energy into co-founding an innovative new social start-up.

Incubation Workshops to Help Ventures Maximise their Impact & Sustainability

Partners can choose workshops to be added to workshops series, based upon the following modules:


Defining the Problem


Needs Assessment


Empathy Maps


Value Proposition Map


Market Forces


Ecosystem Impact Gaps


Systems Thinking & Change


Systems Mapping


Theory of Change




User Journey



Social Venture Model Canvas


Impact Measurement


Financial Planning: Breakeven


Financial Planning: Projections


Marketing & Sales




Value Chain & Partnerships




Legal Registration & Compliance

Intellectual Property & Governance Structures


Social Media Management


Human Resource Management


Risk Management


Financial Management


Scaling Strategies


Sustaining Energy


Raising Funds


Investment Readiness

Partner on a Series

Workshops are generally delivered in partnership with universities, innovation hubs, and other enterprise-support organisations. 

Our unique model enables us to offer bespoke series of workshops to partners at significantly below-market rates.

These series can also combine workshops with one-to-one coaching of social entrepreneurs to have the best effect. A United coach can even be placed at a partner’s space for set times year-round to be available on demand to entrepreneurs.

Partner on a Series

Workshops are generally delivered in partnership with universities, innovation hubs, and other enterprise-support organisations. 

Our unique model enables us to offer bespoke series of workshops to partners at significantly below-market rates.

These series can also combine workshops with one-to-one coaching of social entrepreneurs to have the best effect. A United coach can even be placed at a partner’s space for set times year-round to be available on demand to entrepreneurs.